Project Artaud
Video Productions Info: 3392280476 The training process aims to transfer the student actors and interpersonal communication skills with a strong impact through the means of acting and diction. The starting point will be the work of the pupil of the means of expression, such as body, voice, gestures, speech, and its ability to manage these resources appropriately. Following a slow and gradual acquisition of all those fundamental rules of the art of the actor, it will create a sort of "baggage" technical support to the talent of the Alliance, which will exploit techniques acting professionally thereby enhancing their creative talents, social and emotional.
The training modules will be structured along the following schedule of work actor
TRAINING: A series of guided exercises suitable for research concentration and an ability to think and to catalyze its own energy and to reproduce the emotional states of consciousness when the situation requires and not so random:
1. psychophysical relaxation
2. hemisphere activation creativity
3. liberazione dai blocchi emotivi
4. attivazione della concentrazione
5. cliché: consapevolezza del legame convenzionale esistente tra pensiero e atteggiamento del corpo
6. valutazione dello spazio circostante e individuazione del proprio corpo nello spazio stesso
7. risveglio del ritmo segreto del corpo: capacità di captare le tensioni
8. liberazione dal timore di essere giudicati
Studio approfondito delle tecniche di conoscenza, controllo e uso appropriato degli strumenti espressivi dell’attore:
1. dizione e articolazione della parola
2. la duttilità timbrica e la modulazione vocale
3. capacità di gestione dei winds and to "bring" the voice
4. correct and appropriate use of voice, body and coordination with the movement
5. Motion Technology
6. style exercises
7. physical activity: the memory and the "sense of the true"
8. display: Re-creating situations as states of consciousness
9. structured improvisation: a guide to creating
10. development of awareness of their stage presence
11. training photographic memory
depth study of the techniques of composition and character of the staging:
1. time-rhythm that supports the action
2. abandonment of the clichés of interpretation within the moods of the character
3. exploitation of the sensory and emotional memory in favor of the character
4. construction of the monologue
5. study of characterizations
6. possibility of relationships between the characters
7. the logic of the actions
COURSE FOR PLAINTIFF film and television
The course offers an individual in a "custom" the ability to customize the program to suit your needs, spread over 30 lessons.
For more information: Project Artaud
Video Productions
INFO AND REGISTRATION: 3392280476 ....
's Workshop Acting and filmmaking techniques is aimed at aspiring actors but also to anyone interested in enhancing their relationship skills, creativity, talent and emotional management of nonverbal communication. The specification finalità del laboratorio è seguire gli allievi attori nella presa di coscienza delle proprie potenzialità comunicative e creative e fornire conoscenze tecniche di base della professione artistica, fornendo un primo approccio orientativo alla recitazione cinematografica e televisiva. Inoltre la peculiarità del laboratorio è che si svolgerà all'interno di una vera e propria società di produzione audiovisiva, al contatto con professionisti del settore: registi, produttori, tecnici. A differenza degli altri laboratori e corsi di recitazione oggi in attività a Roma, il Laboratorio di Recitazione e Tecniche Cinematografiche si distingue per la finalità estremamente pratica: la realizzazione di un prodotto audiovisivo professionale finale in which students can begin actors starring in front of the camera ....
The workshop will last four months, for a total of 6 hours per week and will be held every Sunday at the headquarters of the IALS. The course duration is four months for a total of 96 hours. ....
The laboratory will make use of the help of directors, cinematographers and technicians over the last month of the completion of the final short film, consisting of scenes from major movies, in which students will have the opportunity to act as protagonists and which can then be used as a showreel to present to agencies and casting. ....
.... The workshop will be
divided into three modules .....
total duration of 2 months .... Basic training of
materials will be specifically addressed: ....
biomechanics, voice and diction, movement, relationship with space, the relationship with your partner, concentration, imagination, time-rhythm, relaxation techniques, sensory memory, emotional memory, the psychological gesture, improvisation ....
Lasting a month ..... ADVANCED TRAINING
script analysis, character building, construction of the stage, cinema and television expressiveness, technique on the part of the test .....
Set and stage, elements of production and direction, contractual rules of the profession of the actor, how to present yourself to an agent and a casting, photo book, showreel and curriculum, working with the director .....
Lasting a month .....
Short. Practical realization of the scenes in front of the camera. ....
The techniques used are those of Method Strasberg (Actor's Studio), the system and some elements of the Stanislavsky Method Mimic and Michael Chekhov technique. Regarding the work on the body: Theatrical Biomechanics and elements of mime. It will also be introduced to the methodology NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). ....
Lessons missed by students for reasons not caused by the Laboratory shall in no case be refunded. The Education Department may decide to switch one or more teachers at its discretion and in accordance with educational needs. It can also replace the normal class with a meeting with a prominent personality from the entertainment world or a professional of recognized competence: an agent, a casting director, a director, an actor of great renown. ....
The Acting Coach is committed to communicating with 48 hours notice of the possible displacement of the lesson, which will be recovered in any case within the month of July, according to the availability of the coach and student actors. ....
.... The Acting
Coach si riserva quindi anche la possibilità di prorogare di un ulteriore mese la fine del corso per ragioni relative alla produzione del cortometraggio-saggio finale.....
La quota di partecipazione è di_________ euro, suddivisa in _________ rate di _______euro.....
L'acting coach può decidere, in accordo con gli allievi attori, di modificare gli orari e i giorni di una o più lezioni.....