Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spring Dental Recall Letters

Moffa presenta l'ultimo saggio di Enea Franza jr "Crack Finanziario, il perchè della crisi di oggi"

Roberta Gigli
Friday, February 12th last, in the elegant surroundings of the art conference room of the Museum in Rome Crocetti, economist Enea Franza Jr., presented his latest book "Financial Crack The reason for the current crisis . "expert economists who were present Hon. Silvano Moffa member of the House working committee that drafted a comprehensive and unique preface to the book of Franza, Dr. Cortina has cleverly introduced the topic of the crisis, Dr. Holland and the journalist Mr. Rosset, the editorial director Dr . Luciano Luca "Il Borghese" and the designer of the renowned magazine Alfio Crancik. The speakers were analyzing the reasons which led to the current global financial crisis. The paper describes and comments on the Prof. Franza very well the current topic with facts, economic situations from which it has been a valid argument that they deserve to be read . " The economy is not an independent variable, so much so that the policy is linked to it, and where there is a lack disasters happen," says Hon. Moffat in his speech, adding " often over time are lacking those coordinates that define politics and economics." Rosseti expressed during the his speech, the policy should prevail on the economy, Dr. Holland continues, stating that the paper sets out the major tenets: that of privatization, the private economy and the globalization of finance. What is certain is that the theme was of a certain thickness, the economy actually is none other than a set of mathematical systems and graphs, but Franz has expressed them through the daily realities, making it to achieve maximum understanding by public. "I wanted to understand through a logical, careful analysis, as could happen in a crisis so large in a democratic system of governance, made up of independent auditors, of economists, financial analysts and many supervisory authority " the author says, and continues:" Recent ravvisaglie we have had already in 2006 but we were not confident enough to face them and understand the alarm. Through various tests I conducted, - explains Franz, among other topics supported, there is one that I would call trivial, perhaps because it deemed by the general society, which is to ask the question what is a debt when expenditure is defined cost debt and when we can call it investment, and that is where we begin to understand the way the economy and financial crises. " The issues involving the public in a constructive debate. The essay is not only a working instrument for institutions, financial institutions and corporate managers but also to professionals such as accountants and business advisers. Franza says speaking of the Dragon (China): " Chinese economy is undermined by the imbalance of the various regions that comprise the territory, whether there will be less overall demand of Western countries to China, the" Dragon "will respond with most domestic demand if it finds the courage to support the development of wages, thousands of workers still underpaid . "In this reflection of Franza is evident that the study of "social dumping" for which the minimum cost of the exported product, which reaches the final consumer, it means low wages and less protection for labor protection with increased risks in the workplace, labor exploitation child. These elements are already sufficient to understand that "patient market" which set the global crisis in large companies, where it appears that no system of social labeling has been able to turn more control over the product to boost sales and bring the market in balance. The essay, which is widely appreciated in the business sector, is an exclusive edition of the "Borghese", for more information .

Monday, February 15, 2010

Can You Own A Platypus As A Pet In Canada


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Unfortunately the ceremony in honor of the martyrs of the sinkholes was not there, because of an accident, but the My heart was also there, among the tortured foibe. Few people know this sad event in history: young people bound together by barbed wire and thrown alive even in the deepest bowels of the earth by the will of Tito's Yugoslavia. My respect for all, not forget them. Roberta.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Company Referral Verbiage

Dachau (Germany) - visit to the concentration camps

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February 3, 2010 - Diary of an afternoon Dachau
Roberta Gigli
Dachau, where they face stiff expression not only for the cutting cold . Leaden sky, a blanket of snow everywhere, cold. I wanted to get a lot in those places, knowing that I would then remained sensitized. "Arbeit Macht Frei," work makes you free and nobility, what the Nazis inculcated to the people. I opened the door of the tent, and I've begun to tell the story. Some of the rooms remained intact, leaving even more penetrating almost to relive the feeling of skin that had happened: I went back in time. For a moment, besides the cold, I was covered by a quick thrill while I was inside the first building I saw the original documents, photos agghiacianti, bowls and spoons of those who fed quickly to survive. I entered the torture room and there, placed above the kneeling, the whip original stood out then, even the arches of masonry where every jew was suspended, tied at the neck with chains of iron and whipped into a rage. I walked, I thought in horror, then my vision went beyond a window, I had the view of the exterior: a field of cold, fear, loneliness. I touched their beds made of wood, and walked on the parquet, sacred to the Nazis, and which, even with the cold, all the prisoners to camminarvi scalzi. I loro armadietti di legno e la zona dei servizi igienici, uno affianco all’altro senza porte ne’ pareti: niente pudori,un’unica stanza dove ogni dignità umana veniva costantemente annientata. Uomini numero, solo tante camicie di forza a righe ed un codice numerico per identificarli ed osservarli attraverso torrette poste strategicamente nel campo. Mi allontanavo poi dai primi padiglioni visitati e rimasti intatti e,camminando sullo spesso strato di manto nevoso del viale,giungevo ad un piccolo ponte di legno sotto il quale le acque di un ruscello col loro fruscio scorrevano e raccontavano da sole il sangue lavato via. Giunta dinnanzi ad un casale di mattoncini con un enorme” comignolo” sul tetto, ho chiesto :”Cosa troviamo in questa casa?” Camera a gas e forni crematori ,questa la risposta. All’esterno sarebbe parso un bel casale contornato di panchine ,neve ed un bel giardino invernale. Entrare li dentro invece significava vedere ed osservare coi propri occhi le lettighe ancora sporche della cenere, i piccoli forni per i bimbi ….sono stata malissimo. Ho percorso il breve tratto della “disinfestazione” ,sono entrata nella camera a gas e cercavo di capire,immaginavo quei momenti di terrore…cercavo di tornare indietro nel tempo… non riuscivo a credere di trovarmi realmente in quel posto… poi ho ripercorso nuovamente un tratto, quello delle disinfestazioni, ho toccato le porticine mobili, cercavo di vedere , di ripercorrere again at all costs ... the impact has been strong, and look back at living, going back, I looked, and I came out with no expression on her face, horrified, by the throat, which does not allow you to cry or venting it to the word of comment. I left the field, I left behind me a desolate place of terror. The cold and the sky I remember that day leave a lasting impression on me. Silence and cold, listening to the whistle of the wind chill that slammed through the foliage of the trees on the sides of the avenue that led me leaving a bleak scenario: lots of small items left them, scream their lives in fear. If those trees had been able to tell ... ... I turned once volta, vedevo ormai da lontano il padiglione principale del campo e la scultura di ottone dell’eccidio, ho guardato intensamente, poi mi sono voltata, ho ripreso il cammino assieme al calar di quel fioco raggio di sole che tramontava e lasciava ormai spazio al silenzio infinito della sera e delle anime. Col volto tagliato dal freddo , andavo via portando con me il ricordo di quel triste pomeriggio d’ inverno. Sono stata tra gli ultimi a varcare la soglia d’uscita, guardavo il custode rimasto all’interno del campo, e chiudendo alle mie spalle il cancelletto rileggevo “ARBEIT MACHT FREI”.