Thursday, December 23, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Pawer Point De Danisa Milani
" A person who is truly wise, and uses the forces and powers that it has, the universe always opens its treasures "
Ralph Waldo Trine
is the prerogative of the art of the actor to possess a high degree attitudes that are the richest and most exuberant and expressive and have the appearance of man in the richest and most varied range of issues allowed the physical limits
Orazio Costa
tel: 3392280476
email: teiamania @
Training and research
ARTAUD PROJECT FILM ACADEMY, first institute of training, research and production for actors, directors, writers, musicians, which is based on the relationship between art , creativity and personal development.
It was founded in 2006 by Gianluca Testa ( ) order to integrate key systems and methods of contemporary naturalistic acting (Stanislavski, Strasberg, Chekhov) with NLP, hypnosis and other important cognitive neuroscience.
The research and production of Project Artaud Film Academy also extends to the techniques of creative writing and music composition.
this combination of techniques is summarized in a method, a series of models to free the ego of the actor and creative artist creator.
Project Artaud is also an independent film production and allows students to enter in film and video products, enriching the curriculum with valuable professional experience.
To implement the techniques learned, the careers of Project Artaud Film Academy are characterized by a strong practical component: the students realize showreel videos, educational films where they experience different roles and characters and are then distributed in major international festivals; audioreel dubbing room in ein recording studio, building up concrete material helpful in evaluating the acquired skills and artistic presentation to the professional market (agencies, production, casting directors).
The best method is the method that works for you
S. Winters
The constant practice and guided techniques the new method under development is enhanced by the merger, the actor's instinct and intuition, making it free to deal with specific tasks that the determination requires interpretation.
An actor is thinking, voice, body, instinct.
Our vision is a creative player and not just performer.
Leading Actor in a deep self-knowledge and its means.
awareness techniques to amplify awaken their creativity and talent can open the doors to access the full potential of genius: the creative actor to the character comes only through a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of stimulation of his unconscious, and a full awareness of their personal identity and artistic .
Gianluca Testa
Project Artaud Film Academy offers training unique and original, allowing the artist to become "Coach of whether same ", or that he ever able to face any challenge in the most effective personal, professional and artistic level and to maximize its resources and potential.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Removing Washer Drum From Kenmore Washer
L’amministrazione Chiavetta continua lo scempio del territorio.
Dopo i cinquanta platani di via Santa Barbara tagliati nell’inverno 2008/2009, i diversi pini del Parco Palatucci in quello 2009/2010, i dieci lecci e tigli di piazza Mazzini nel mese scorso e le palme secolari e non abbandonate al loro destino in assenza di qualsivoglia trattamento anti Punteruolo Rosso, “gli ambientalisti” della sinistra al governo della Città si apprestano a tagliare tutti, dico tutti, gli Eucalipti di via Diaz, (a costo zero si affretteranno a dire, in quanto si è chiesto di farlo all’amministrazione del Cimitero Americano), rei di avere dissestato il marciapiede che, con soli 150.000 Euro potrebbe essere rinforzato e forse anche trasformato in percorso ciclabile.
Non contenti, invece di prevenire l’aggressione del coleottero africano al Lungomare Matteotti, il più bello ed invidiato della Provincia di Roma, stanno premeditando di togliere le Palme, forse solo per cancellare l’immagine che ha dato a Nettuno l’Amministrazione di Centrodestra.
Mi chiedo: solo i Verdi ed il settimanale Il Granchio hanno a cuore le sorti di chi dovrà vivere i prossimi anni nella nostra Città?
Possibile che lo sviluppo del paese debba essere fatto solo tagliando gli alberi ed approvando Piani Integrated?
For those who think that this is only sterile polemics and is ready to acknowledge, that the advance Tamerici removed from the promenade eight years ago are still on display in the gardens of some schools in the suburbs, and also that in seven years, to improve the appearance Neptune, the center has taken only three or four trees, planting over 350 new, while others are linked to the Law 13/1992 "A tree for every born" that the Environment Department as far back as 2000, has planted in schools for each new child enrolled in the Registry Hall (the new face of the vaunted in recent days by Key in his bland press).
Neptune, to be reborn and reclaim its future, has no need of lies, proclamations, improvisations and emergency response, but of orderly planning of social and economic development, which is obtained by deleting everything they have done "what was there before" or ugly beautiful it is, but through a practical examination of the needs of citizens today need job security and absent from our area for some time.
If we want to tell the whole, instead of spraying concrete here and there, it would be much better to pull out the drawers of the draft variation to the general plan, (even if the assignment was given by the Government Marzoli) delivered to the commissioners in 2006 architect designer Ricci, e contenente le linee guida per realizzare un turismo dei servizi capace di portare occupazione e rispettare l’ambiente, e, se non se ne condividono i contenuti, si abbia il coraggio di battezzare con chiarezza “il nuovo metodo urbanistico” che si sta adottando, facendo presentare ai proprietari di appezzamenti di terreno più o meno grandi, su cui erano individuati dei vincolo ormai scaduti da tempo, proposte per realizzare migliaia di metri cubi di nuove costruzioni, arrivando ad ipotizzare addirittura sul Centro Sportivo Loricina, una bella colata di cemento, tanto per arricchire………il tessuto urbano già sofferente del centro cittadino, sapendo bene che questa non è programmazione del territorio, ma scempio.
Un pensiero viene spontaneo: Ma se tutto questo lo avesse fatto l’Amministrazione di Centrodestra, cosa sarebbe successo?
Vittorio Marzoli, Membro del coordinamento Regionale PdL
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sons Stuffy Nose Morning
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Departure: Caserta - national traffic light junction motorway Caserta north entrance (next Barone and former hotel) hours 9:55
Departure tour: Orcs 604 meters final at 11
Arrival: Forest at about 276 mt 14:30
Distance: 5 miles
difference in height: 100 meters
Time required: 3 hours (excluding stops)
Difficulty ': easy walk - free participation
To visit the paleontological site "Ciampi of the Devil" si pagheranno 3 euro a testa a favore dell'associazione Orme che gestisce il tutto, è compreso nel prezzo la guida che ci spiegherà il sito per circa 1 ora e le brochures
Approfitteremo della festa paesana anche per visitare l'abitato di Tora
Le ciampate del Diavolo sono le orme più antiche dell’essere umano, le impronte appartengono ad un gruppo di tre individui che, 350 mila anni fa, è sceso lungo il fianco della montagna formato da fanghiglia calda. Per info vedere in seguente sito
Sono raccomandati un paio di calzature adatti all’ambiente montano, il percorso si svolge su easy path, picnic lunch, the walk was postponed due to bad weather, the responsibility is individual and not the tour manager
E 'idea to call by Saturday evening to join the excursion
the following link to photos of last hike: #
the following link programs for next Desk:
the following link to my photo reports:
Monday, December 6, 2010
Electric Box.candystand Solutions Level 41
domenica 12 dicembre
Le Blondies sono lieti di presentarvi la prima mostra fotografica "Sguardi di vita" che si terrà presso il
Lounge Bar Slow Down il giorno 12 dicembre a partire dalle 19,00.
L'ingresso è gratuito e avrete la possibilità di apprezzare il lavoro di alcuni dei più attivi fotografi della provincia. La mostra sarà accompagnata da un ricco buffet e tanti aperitivi, insomma il modo migliore per passare un po' della vostra domenica in ...pieno relax.
Questi sono gli artisti in mostra:
Alessandro Santulli
Girolamo Geronimo
Gilda Rotello
Vincenzo Pagliuca
Maria Teresa Palladino
Bernardette D'Ambrosio Chiara Perna
Patrick Cimmaruta
Luigi Nappa
Antonio Siringo
Arianna Aversano Fiorillo
Michael Santangelo
For all emerging photographers who want to have the opportunity to exhibit their works and be heard, you just need to be Sunday and you can organize your shows, because we are always looking for artists.
also remember a lot of pictures for everyone!
The exhibition is organized by the Art Association Tres
found below the map to reach the room!
We wait, no-nos! Show All
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Black Point Shoes Block
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Cultural itinerary suitable for all ages, including families
Departure: Caserta - Piazzale della Seta - San Leucio
hours 9:55 am to 10:30 meeting in Piazza Caiazzo leads Venus
11 hours visit to the cellars of the village of Rossetti Alvignanello with guided wine tasting
walk along the Volturno River in the protected area of \u200b\u200babout 2 km, to see the confluence of two rivers, the Volturno and the Heat, no difference, suitable for all hours
13:30 lunch at the farmhouse in the hamlet Sangiovanni Sangiovanni and Paul Caiazzo at a price of 23 euro (10 for children) - appetizer, extra virgin olive oil tasting, a first, second, all the trimmings, house wine, dessert, fruit, coffee liqueur and
16 hours visit to the mill and vision of the complete cycle of extraction of oil - also as usual many souvenir photo for all
ALESSANDRO Santulli TEL. 3925322408 -
ANTONIO SanGiovanni TEL. 3393275628-0823862437
E 'idea to call by Saturday evening to join the excursion
the following link to photos of last hike: #
programs at the following link future trips:
The walk and all activities are free, the only price are 23 € for lunch. They recommended a pair of shoes suitable for mountain surroundings, the walk is postponed due to bad weather, the responsibility is individual.