Monday, January 31, 2011

What Is Color Of Hiv Rash


Sant'Agata depicted by Piero della Francesca

February 5 , St. Agatha (the name, from the greek, meaning "good spirit"). If you run in Genoa, is the anniversary day of the fair and ravioli. The show - originally the sale of horses - is held near that Bisagno which gives its name to the grocery dialect (= besagnin), ravioli them taste a bit 'in all homes and restaurants, cooked in different variants, ora più farcia che pasta, ora più carne nella farcia…, ma sempre rispettosissime quanto a “sacertà” della ricetta. Festa antica, sentita, molte persone in passato celebravano Sant’Agata Martire salendo al santuario. Costei, giovane vergine catanese del III secolo d.C., cui furono strappati i seni e bruciate parti del corpo, è patrona dei fonditori di campane e dei vigili del fuoco, su cui veglia benigna. La città natale le deve numerose salvezze e miracoli, dato che Catania patì eruzioni vulcaniche, assalti nemici, epidemie innumerevoli… Sedendoti a tavola, se rispetti la tradizione il 5 febbraio a Genova potrai assaggiare in sequenza:
i ravioli, la carne in umido coi carciofi, l’insalata, cheese, cobeletti, the mixed fruit.
Are you interested in the recipes for three dishes, of course, are the ravioli and cobeletti on Liguricettario . Stew meat for 4-6 people requires 800 g of lean veal, 1 onion, 6-8 d'Albenga artichokes, Ligurian extra virgin, the juice of 1 lemon, ½ cup dry white wine, salt to taste To prepare: Peel the artichokes and cut into four lengthwise, removing the pins, then place them in water acidulated with lemon juice before. In a crock fry the chopped onion with a little 'oil (if you also like a clove of minced garlic), add the veal and cut into pieces, as they browned, pour the half a glass of white wine. Evaporate - if you need to up the heat - and add the artichokes cut even more finely, then add salt and carefully finish cooking (the meat will soften). The dish is eaten hot, combining red wines are not too important, are just fine the Gulf of Tigullio DOC or the DOC red western Ligurian coast Rossese. Mind you: the original recipe did not contain butter or flour or broth, pepper ... or

Umberto Curti, Ligucibario & Liguvinario


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