Thursday, March 10, 2011

Firmware For Matshita Uj232as

Indignazione parte seconda.....!

Perhaps now I should not make us more chance, but the ' INCAZZATURA , pass me the vulgar term, can be heard anyway. The photo used

sensation chidere consensus is that this time the cake doll that we made to the courses of decoration and has been published without permission and without claims to be a journalist "The Morning" on March 7 page 31.

The thing that really makes me laugh is that the article in question was used to advertise the book of another Cake Designer!

But here we are absurd ....

Credevo che da un quotidiano ci si potesse aspettare maggiore serietà.

Scusate lo sfogo, ma proprio non ce la facevo a starmene zitta!


Which Player Has More Trophies

Decorazioni : Il cercatore di tartufi

Ancora decorazioni per torte, stavolta si tratta di adulti però.
Il tema era la ricerca dei tartufi e l'occasione una cena tra appassionati, complice mio fratello Yuri che mi ha fatto vedere delle fotografie per capire com'era fatta la "vanghetta" che serve appunto per scavare il terreno ed aiutare il cane ad estrarre il tartufo, ho realizzato questo topper.
La scena nella mia testa era quella del cane che riceve una coccola mentre il padrone guarda contento e un pò stupito il grosso truffle found ... To be honest I did not have in mind what should be a very happy truffle to a seeker, he he he, so to avoid mistakes I've made 3 in the same little hole.

The dog is a mongrel breed, intentionally, I was inspired by the dogs I've seen in the pictures, because I have been told that sometimes the nose of a dog is not purebred can be better than that of his brothers who were selected ^________________^

This reminds me a lot my first and last dog Pallino (he had a male name beginning because we thought it was male !!!), had such a predisposition for hunting pen, a nose so crazy often that many people have offered to buy it .... of course we never sold, there was too expensive.
thought it was so good that no puppies left has managed to nurse the kittens without a mother, for the "dog and cat, who said that you can not ????".

But back to the decorations, I'm going off topic ...
Below the details, it is always like a little cartoon of a statue because it is the style I prefer.
sometimes for weddings I had to Reproduce the features of the couple and create dolls with protruding lips, the folds on the sides of the nose and other realistic details, but I must say that bothers me! They look like the caricatures that you do street artists :-)
The most monstrous thing is when you have to do some chores on children .... do you remember the guy who played the part of Arnold in the popular TV series? you have ever seen after a few years?
FACT ....... This is the


The detail of the large nose found

The spade

Even today I run to work, what do you have in the pipeline?
Kisses as usual,


Breakfast At Tiffany's Shower Invitations Sayings

Frisceu. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario!

“Bocce, frisceu e vermentin, e da vitt-a battitene u belin”, das ist die ligurische Darstellung der Philosophie „don’t worry be happy“. Diese Redewendung drückt die Freude des Tageslebens aus: Boccia spielen, ein frisches Glas Weißwein und ein Teller frisceu, schmackhafte Beignets, die in einem Augenblick gebacken und gegessen werden müssen. Wasser, Mehl und Hefe können mit verschiedenem Gemüse und Baccalà (in Salz konservierter Dorsch) verrührt werden.
Weinempfehlung: Weißwein, DOC Val Polcevera Bianchetta

Clelia Frignani per Ligucibario

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Acute Cerebral Vascular

Cupcakes Decorati : ricamiamo??

I'm back from Verona with a beautiful stock and bigoli of Monteveronese (complete with fig jam to spicy peppers, red onions and green tomatoes .... yum!), I'm a little tired but I have a lot of work and several projects in progress .... the most intriguing is a birthday cake with 3 shelves with the farm theme, I already have in mind all the details, will be very sweet and romantic because the birthday girl is a girl.

Later I will send an email with additional recipes to the pantry, in the meantime, however, want to post some photos of decorated cupcakes made shortly before leaving

:-) The theme was "embroidery," but I've also added a pinch of Sewing ^______ Base rich chocolate ganache cake with milk chocolate and coverage in pdz, pdz decor with a touch of CMC to give strength.

Here you can see the card wire holder and the needle and the embroidery frame

few buttons, scissors, pin cushion, spool, and a thimble that could not miss!

Finally some flowers because the birthday girl was a lady

As so often ask me, I leave you the recipe:

75 g dark chocolate 70%
100ml milk 200g

extra-fine granulated sugar 80g soft unsalted butter 2 medium eggs

at room temperature 150g flour
dessert spoon and a 1 / 2
cocoa 1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon

vanilla extract Preheat oven to 170 degrees.
Sift together all the dust.
Melt the chocolate in milk.
Beat softened butter with sugar and vanilla for 8 minutes, gradually add the eggs lightly sbatture alternating with half teaspoon of powder. Add the warm chocolate
stirring from the bottom up.
United dust gradually stirring in the same way and not always gently to remove the mixture too.
Fill cups to 2 / 3 of height or less and cook in the oven for 20 minutes.

are the fluffiest cakes and great to be stuffed with a nice simple ganache or whipped cream, but if you want to cover them in PDZ I recommend lightly frosted with a chocolate ganaches to prevent the cover melts in contact with the cream.
Try and let me know if you like ;-))))

To run away tonight,

kisses as usual

Cow (rags)

How Do Thunderstorms Form At Night

focaccia. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario! Focaccia col formaggio di Recco

focaccia, Ligurian excellent "street food"

The name "focaccia" probably comes from the Latin word "focus" = heart. This dish is mentioned in a document from the year 1312. Ligurian focaccia is excellent "street food" and you can eat this dish anytime, anywhere. At the end of the century had 16en Bishop Matteo Gambaro focaccia banish from the churches, because the love of the people for focaccia was rampant. The seasonal variations of focaccia contain not only sage, onions, olives, but also less orthodox ingredients such as rosemary, oregano, Thyme and zucchini flowers. The ingredients that make really delicious focaccia are three: use excellent extra virgin olive oil, ability, because the surface of the focaccia "signature" of the baker, and patience, because the dough will really slow. Eat your focaccia really hot and vice versa, so that the salt crystals are taken up by their tongues.
Recommended wine: white wine, Vermentino (Riviera del Ponente DOC, DOC Val Polcevera, DOC Golfo del Tigullio DOC and Colli di Luni).

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pregnancy 38 Weeks Severe Heart Burn

(GE): Käsefocaccia - Liguria by Ligucibario tastes good!

"Probably the most addictive food on the planet" ("Probably the food, the world causes more dependency"), which is the opinion of Fred Plotkin, the American guru. The origins of this great food go to the time of the pirate attacks back. The coastal inhabitants to save themselves, had to leave their villages and flee into the hinterland. Here the flour and the daily agricultural products (such as the sheep) were joined together. The result was the ancestor of the "Käsefocaccia. In the past, "Käsefocaccia on 2 November eaten. You can eat this dish year-round. Es wird mit frischem „mollana vaccina“ (eine Käseart aus Kuhmilch) aus Sori oder mit frischem Crescenza (sehr weicher Frischkäse) zubereitet. Wenn Sie „Käsefocaccia“ essen wollen fragen Sie bitte: „Einen Teller Focaccia col Formaggio“ in richtigem ligurischen Dialekt.
Weinempfehlung: Weißwein, DOC Golfo del Tigullio Bianchetta oder DOC Cinque Terre Bianco, aber einige ziehen Rotwein (DOC Riviera di Ponente Rossese d’Albenga) vor.

Clelia Frignani per Ligucibario

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Do Rappers Wearhats

L'arancia Pernambucco al Salone Agri Tues con l'Associazione Italiana Finalborgo Etnogastronomi

Domenica 13 marzo, ore 10.30, IEA Italian Association Etnogastronomi on Salone agribusiness Ligurian Finalborgo the event "The chain of pernambucco. At the Hall-Liguria area workshops attended by the Chairman Umberto Curti and his partner Joseph Conrad to the IEA, then Professor Maristella Guglielmi, Giovanni Minuto (Director of the Center for Testing and Agricultural Assistance - Special Agency of Chamber of Commerce of Savona) and Giacomo Parodi .
Also, Saturday, March 12, 10 am at Arena events, IEA participates with the intervention of Joseph Conrad "The transformation of local products: examples of success and possible developments" in the debate "Food safety, innovations and projects for the products the territory. "
IEA Italian Association Etnogastronomi meet professional active in the protection of authenticity, in the promotion of the territory, in the design of thematic initiatives related to food, wine and authentic sites. Pernambucco The orange is one of the finest cases of local production on the coast from Savona, recovery of a tradition that saw the citrus in the Mediterranean region and gradually establish itself on the west coast. The event "The chain of pernambucco" (free of charge by reservation to the secretary of the Fair, 019 6898607) ethno-historically reconstructs the story, and - having undergone specialized scientific - proposes degustazione la marmellata e il liquore di pernambucco prodotti artigianalmente sul territorio finalese. Per informazioni,
A.I.E. Associazione Italiana Etnogastronomi, , tel. 010 5299905

Friday, March 4, 2011

● Hacer Yourself________ ★

Farinata di ceci: cake chickpea flour - Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario!

Diese Torte aus Kichererbsenmehl wird in Kupferauflaufformen gebackt. Farinata ist ein altes und historisches Rezept und wurde in der Vergangenheit „Genuas Gold“ genannt. Farinata ist ein einfaches Gericht, das in der vergangenen Zeit am Karfreitag oder zu Neujahr gegessen wurde. Von der Toskana bis Piemont und Frankreich, kann man verschiedene Variationen dieses Tellers finden: „calda calda“ in Massa, „cecina“ in Pisa/Livorno, „bella calda“ in Piemont, „socca“ in Nizza und wirklich merkwürdig „sciocca“ im Osten Liguriens. In Schriften des 15. Jahrhunderts hat man den historischen Namen von Farinata gefunden: „scripilita“ aus dem lateinischen Wort „scribilita“, die eine Art „focaccia“ ist. Über Jahrhunderte hinweg haben sich Variationen der Farinata vermehrt: Farinata mit Jungfischen (in Noli und in der savonese „tortellassu“ genannt), mit Zwiebeln, mit Paprikaschote, („mail“ in Imperia genannt), mit Artischocke, mit Bratwurst, mit Rosmarin… Der Genuese liebt „il bordo“ - den Rand, because this is the crunchy part, and the really hot porridge.
Recommended wine: white wine, DOC Val Polcevera Coronata.

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Is My Horse Going Bold In Places

Decorazioni : Una Minnie per il primo compleanno...

And here is Minnie I was working on last weekend :-)
These are the decorations for the first birthday cake Benedict, a child for which I had already made christening set a few months ago but I never had time to post.

The statue was built on a small drum up 1 cm which was covered with white tape to be confused with the coverage of the dessert, everything is sugar paste. Together with Minnie
there are also decorations pink polka dots and the word ^______^

Here you can see the detail of hands

Soon I show you two other jobs created last night, the cake topper of the hunter of truffles and cupcakes in the theme "embroidery and sewing, but for now I run a bed because tomorrow I expect a trip of 5 or 6 hours to get to Verona .... are you ready for the cake to the mother cat and Flowers? I will work hard ;-)

Kisses as usual,


Is Non Flush Niacin Good

Cuculli. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario!


ball-shaped fritters, which are made with chickpea flour (or mashed potatoes) and a bit of yeast. In Liguria Cuculli are a pillar of the "street food". Probably the name refers to the silkworm cocoon. In the West Cuculli are often the supplement to the lamb that is roasted or baked in the oven.
Recommended wine: still white wine (someone decides for sparkling)

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Places In New Jersey Like Dave And Busters

corzetti stampati: round, flat hand-made pasta - Liguria by Ligucibario tastes good!

round (4-5 cm diameter), flat hand-made pasta, with all the varieties patterns of costumes family to be printed flags. Some capable craftsmen, such as in Casoni in Chiavari (GE), still dominate the traditional Holzabdruckart. You can enrich the dough with tomatoes and spinach. Corzetti were served in the past "Suolo a Suolo" means the pasta is layered with mushroom sauce, either with fresh sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms or braised stainless snails. Enjoy A plate corzetti in Varese Ligure (SP)! Recommended wine: Red wine, DOC Dolce Acqua, in sauce, white wine, DOC Pigato Riviera Ligure di Ponente, in pesto.

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Wife Mistress In Leather

Corsi di decorazione : l'avventura continua ^_____^

Fun, Happiness, fatigue, Satisfaction.
are just some of the words that I could use to describe the adventure courses.
By now we were in different cities and saw many faces with the names confused me, but I assure you that I remember every one of you ^_____^
There have been more timid who silently worked hard to greatly amazed by their results and the most entertaining and talkative with others who have dragged their happiness (with them I also had the pleasure of dining ), ci sono state poi altre che mi hanno lasciato di stucco spiegandomi di essere arrivate anche da molto lontano solo per frequentare il corso , vi giuro non me lo saprei mai aspettato.
C'è stato addirittura chi mi ha portato un regalino!!!

E qui vi assicuro che mi sono sentita sciogliere come un gelato, perchè il regalo conta relativamente, ma pensare che qualcuno si sia preso la briga di scegliere un pensierino per me e portarmelo significa che per un momento ha pensato a me e mi ha dedicato una frazione della sua vita, vi ringrazio quindi DI TUTTO CUORE per la stupenda scatolina fatta a mano, la collana con la fetta di torta e il CD con le immagini dei personaggi dei cartoni animati da usare per prendere ispirazione
Qui sotto qualche foto del corso della fatina a Roma, sto sistemando tutte le altre da inserire nell'album, poi vi arriverà l'invito per entrare a scaricarle, nel frattempo controllate la posta perchè dovrebbero essere partite le ricette integrative per la dispensa ;-)

Mucca at work...

Mucca concentrata che sistema una fata ancora decapitata (manca la linguetta di fuori, che in genere c'è quando sto con voievito ... h h h ... )

Il lavoro continua...

Snapshot of the commitment that we have put in, and it shows!

The work that begins to take shape ...

One of your do near the end (and the now legendary chocolates that nobody ever eats out of shyness ... and are there for you!! But I have become even more fat?)

And what do you think? Did you enjoy it? you found it interesting the work we have done together? and once you have experienced at home??
Let me know, I want ^___________^

For now I run,

Cow kisses as usual

PS I tried to translate some addresses because it was not clear what was written :-( if I'm wrong and you have not received a dispensation write me and I'll reply as soon as I can!

PPS .. ... is coming in another tutorial ;-)

What Hair Weave Does Rihanna Use?

corzetti. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario! Coniglio alla ligure


8förmige wrapped pasta from the province of Genoa, especially from Campomorone (GE) in Val Polcevera (Polcevera valley). The best sauces for corzetti are: Pinienkernsoße (a cold Mörsersoße), meat or mushroom sauce. This is a traditional dish (with oregano in the dough), which serves the New Year with a Schweinfleischsoße is. After eating Genoese have to corzetti with a spoon.
Recommended wine: DOC Val Polcevera white and red wine, white wine and red wine with meat sauce Pinienkernsoße.

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario