Monday, March 7, 2011

Pregnancy 38 Weeks Severe Heart Burn

(GE): Käsefocaccia - Liguria by Ligucibario tastes good!

"Probably the most addictive food on the planet" ("Probably the food, the world causes more dependency"), which is the opinion of Fred Plotkin, the American guru. The origins of this great food go to the time of the pirate attacks back. The coastal inhabitants to save themselves, had to leave their villages and flee into the hinterland. Here the flour and the daily agricultural products (such as the sheep) were joined together. The result was the ancestor of the "Käsefocaccia. In the past, "Käsefocaccia on 2 November eaten. You can eat this dish year-round. Es wird mit frischem „mollana vaccina“ (eine Käseart aus Kuhmilch) aus Sori oder mit frischem Crescenza (sehr weicher Frischkäse) zubereitet. Wenn Sie „Käsefocaccia“ essen wollen fragen Sie bitte: „Einen Teller Focaccia col Formaggio“ in richtigem ligurischen Dialekt.
Weinempfehlung: Weißwein, DOC Golfo del Tigullio Bianchetta oder DOC Cinque Terre Bianco, aber einige ziehen Rotwein (DOC Riviera di Ponente Rossese d’Albenga) vor.

Clelia Frignani per Ligucibario


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