Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Hair Weave Does Rihanna Use?

corzetti. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario! Coniglio alla ligure


8förmige wrapped pasta from the province of Genoa, especially from Campomorone (GE) in Val Polcevera (Polcevera valley). The best sauces for corzetti are: Pinienkernsoße (a cold Mörsersoße), meat or mushroom sauce. This is a traditional dish (with oregano in the dough), which serves the New Year with a Schweinfleischsoße is. After eating Genoese have to corzetti with a spoon.
Recommended wine: DOC Val Polcevera white and red wine, white wine and red wine with meat sauce Pinienkernsoße.

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario


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