Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bachelor Party In The Dells

ad Alessandria, Borgo Rovereto è in festa

lunga vita al ... riscoperto Timorasso!

Non me ne se vorrete esordisco sul blog con un Tues AIE topic "foreigner", but I have three good reasons to dedicate these reflections to Oltregiogo cousins.
... The first is sentimental, and I say no more. The second is nostalgic and comes from my partial origins Po, a term I use, of course, only in the geographical sense. The properties of fields covered with snow this season are often the landscape to my train travel, perhaps with the trees to trace those pale blue shadows in the morning, the impressionistic memory, I open my heart, I can not help (a bit ... 'less fed mosquito summer).
The third reason, but not in order of importance, is the "I" of our programmatic acronym. We chosen to be an association called "Italian" because the attention to our region comes from curiosity and studies without preconceptions, and then of course aimed at all regional experiences, in a confrontation that lead to the enrichment-and why not - to highlight their criticality.
But let us. Being a weekend in Alexandria in mid-May, we discover, as it happened to me, the feast of Borgo Rovereto. Borgo Rovereto, today one of the areas (stands) of Alexandria, is its historic core, as existing settlements on the right bank of the Tanaro before the city was founded there in the second half of the twelfth century. Incidentally, the name is also present in the deeds, including land and buildings donated by the many lords Aleramici at "our" Abbey Tiglieto.
During the year, the district can not be said to be lively, because, although belonging to the old town, is more in the background, and less geometric than the elegant shopping streets. Perhaps on this basis is the need arose for a time the annual festival in celebration of which is getting more visibility means the purposes in my view achieved, if the weekend in question Borgo Rovereto opens outward, becoming a destination of great Part of the Alexandrians, in a sense, the revenge of the "content" becomes "container".
not be fooled, though. Nothing to do with the classical chaotic anniversary exhibition, in which we find the usual stalls and exhibitors at the rite, which are identical from the Alps to Lampedusa. On the feast of Borgo Rovereto in sight, at least one external point of view, a very fruitful partnership for innovation between local authorities, businesses and individuals, which translates in a cultural event "all round" - in which law much of the philosophy of IEA - where food and wine, music and history come together for a moment in a kind of grand but intimate auditorium at the disposal of citizenship.
E 'nice walk through the streets of the neighborhood slowly, surrounded by so many people who for once does not feel the need for elbowing, anxiety attempt to move from point A to point B as quickly as possible: here the party is everywhere. It 'nice to see the normally hidden corners and small squares, which are revealed for the occasion. So, behind the sober facades, courtyards, surrounded by ancient balconies railing, become the scene of a personal exhibition of painting and guitar and vocals, while the church of Our Lady of the Assumption, corner of Via and Via Plana Guasco, opens its ports to show the signs of aging and pitiless indifference of men. And if you are interested, like me, church architecture, surely you will come to the heart of the neighborhood and to master un’ampia piazza, vi si rivelerà allora la chiesa di Santa Maria di Castello (…genovesi, vi ricorda qualcosa?), le cui origini risalgono al XII secolo, ma anch’essa oggetto di mille traversie, testimoniate soprattutto dal rimaneggiamento degli interni, su cui insistono, tra l’altro, gli esiti di un restauro pittorico, forse d’inizio Novecento, piuttosto fantasioso (1).
Altro aspetto da evidenziare è il sottofondo musicale, che non viene mai a mancare; dalla classica, al jazz, allo swing, alle garage band, un percorso attraverso le diverse piazze allestite a palco permette di accontentare tutte le preferenze (2).
Ma rischio di divagare troppo, per cui torniamo al concetto di cultura come fusione di arte e memoria, creatività e tradizione, e osserviamo gli eventi che hanno maggiormente caratterizzato l’edizione dell’anno scorso (e colpito favorevolmente chi scrive). Non a caso si parla di enogastronomia, nell’interpretazione datane dagli organizzatori di Assaggia la Provincia!, evento contenitore promosso dalla Provincia di Alessandria e articolato lungo via Guasco, corso principale del quartiere e l’omonimo palazzo, oggi sede dell’Assessorato Cultura, Turismo e Promozione Prodotti Tipici.
Pensate allora ad una sera di metà maggio, quando il tepore della primavera inoltrata lascia ancora spazio ad una frescura frizzante, prima dell’afa estiva. Siete comodamente seduti nel cortile Guasco palace, under a large gazebo, and friendly waiters will hold out a cup of Grignolino of Casale Monferrato, for example, or a splendid and proud Timorasso, all accompanied by full brochure setting out the grape produced, the production areas , color and organoleptic characteristics, combinations recommended. Think then whether to introduce the tasting were the owners of companies (some very young and be prepared!) And you read it in their words the passion and pride of one who describes the fruits of his labor. Genovese is already impressed by such sincere kindness, when, through the lens of pale yellow glass, he sees a strange musical instrument in the background attack archaic notes, adding, to the satisfaction of taste and smell, even the hearing.
is not the description of a "parlor" or aristocratic entertainments, but a public event, open to all citizens, in the two-day event has returned with great enthusiasm. It was the preview of Bacchus & Bach - international festival of classical music, and wine for the occasion that brought the performance of a string quartet, and the following evening, in a medieval music ensemble. I have read yet another demonstration of how art and culture of taste share the same objectives (educate and entertain) and may be approached by everyone, if proposals with the right formula.
The tasting is over, but if we sit, our attention now that the musicians are gone, focus on the great wall background, equipped as a complete professional kitchen. It 's time to master chef at work - teaching laboratory for lovers of the palate, a series of meetings that follow one another every two hours throughout the afternoon of the weekend. Even in this case are few surprises. The chefs of famous restaurants in the area "down among the people" and tell her professional experience in the daily shifting of those who are not chefs. In the meetings I attended as the most obvious was the atmosphere pleasant colloquialism, where the cooks are simply passionate craftsmen of their work and eager to tell about it. Here is the point: to see a chef (the misty plain ... and yes!) To explain how to choose a home the fresh fish without weighing too much on the family budget, fillet and cook it all with a fervor that you would expect from one who does that gesture every day, implies that the narrator, not only the passion, but the ability to communicate it. I am connected to say much more immediately reported, that of our artisans, because much has already been said about it, and emerges from the pages of this blog. It 'worth remembering, however, that counting a bit 'less on the unconditional trust of loyal customers and a bit' more about the importance of telling her own voice the passion and skills that all recognize, they could turn their work into a good story to hear, and so spread your name, deservedly, among a much wider audience.
What can I say? If the formula will be this Long live Party Borgo Rovereto!

(1) Going from the church to the cloister, in the last two editions of the festival it was possible to visit a small exhibition on the history of the city, organized by the State of Alexandria with the help of written documents and period photographs: highly popular The panel dedicated to the glorious bridge to the Citadel, whose recent and hasty demolition has opened a gash in the city and generated memory, rightly, many controversies (bounce at the national level, following service of a famous TV program pupazzone fire red).
(2) The person who took part in the 2009 edition has had the fortune - for myself it was a truly rich and funny - to cross the streets Bandarotta the fraudulent complessino with wandering bass drum on wheels, to bring the pace here and there around the city.

Diego Portaluppi IEA Italian Association Etnogastronomi


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