Monday, February 14, 2011

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LE Mostard Artigianali

all Mostard Tues Calizzano (SV)
accompagna ad esempio i formaggi strutturati ...

in laboratorio ed io Attilia produciamo, now for a couple of years, some types of mustards - some other innovative traditional - based on grape must or grape muscat honey, with or without the addition of essential oil of mustard, and usually with local fruit semicandita from us.
In these years I have personally seen as customers of the store and the customers of the farm find themselves displaced when the present is a mustard without mustard. I am not able to go into too much history and trace the origin of mustards: I do not know if already in some way Greeks and other civilizations did use it before the Romans. In "Time Mediterranean. The Remains of Apicius in the kitchen "the friend Umberto Curti us points out that among the methods most often kept at the time included brine, grape wine and honey. Preservation methods are still current, and certainly less controversial of the sulfur dioxide is harmless - as noted - only under certain specific conditions. Certainly today, compared to only thirty or forty years ago, these procedures are much safer and more accurate, this thanks to the support of equipment and technology that even the small laboratory must have, thanks to increased scientific knowledge, and hygiene requirements Existing and analysis on the samples. Returning to the original
mustards, they were nothing more than a method of preserving sweet or sour to the limit to preserve fruit e vegetali di stagione. Tra gli ingredienti principali primeggiava il mosto, a cui potevano essere aggiunti miele, farina di farro (allora onnipresente), spezie, frutta secca, vino, erbe aromatiche. Le mostarde potevano essere fatte a freddo, nel qual caso probabilmente si trattava di impasti usati come salse d’accompagnamento a carni o formaggi (tipo coulis), di consistenza fra il puré e il passato, oppure a caldo.
A caldo si preparavano con riduzione del mosto e conseguente aumento degli zuccheri, fruttosio e glucosio principalmente, che oggigiorno sappiamo essere, oltre un certo grado di concentrazione (per le confetture si parla di 60° brix, ovvero 60 g di zuccheri dissolti in 100 g di sostanza liquida totale) i veri conservanti. While the British and French mustards not ignores the mustard and the sweetener may not appear for the Italian mustard that is the opposite: it starts from the element sweetener and it comes to almost infinite variety and regional recipes, with fruit or fruit without with or without mustard mustard ...
To name some of the most famous without mustard: sapa, savor, and cougnà.
As for the mustard, just seems to derive from the use of its seeds as "mustard", meaning it must burn, the name appeared for the first time in a French text of 1288. Among the types of mustard with mustard can be counted in the first place the mustard in Verona, to follow that of Mantua, the Venetian, the Tuscan ...
Finally, the word refers to cougnà quince, which requires a brief period. The sour taste of the quince and forces required to work mainly in jam or jelly, where he gives his best and also bears a significant amount of fiber. E 'original orientation, but it takes its name from an ancient city in Crete. Cultured in the fall a bit 'sour, grateful for the perfume was placed in the drawers of linen. The recipe for quince spread during the renaissance (the famous Genoa), partner of roasts and game. It is packaged in tablets and lozenges in wooden boxes engraved with coats of arms etc.. Well preserved, beautiful in its amber color. Still the most valuable Sicilian firmer in clay molds, but they encountered great in Abruzzo, Puglia ... In Spain it is called Membrillo (quince is). Important the presence of quince - exactly - in savor Emilia (which uses a side dish to read but also enters the pumpkin ravioli and some desserts) and of course cougnà Piedmont. In Tuscany, incidentally, add mustard and candy ...

Maria Grazia Bianco, farm-holidays "The Giaire" Calizzano (SV)


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