Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Maxine Cartoon On Vacation

Buridda: Fischschmorbraten - Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario!

Buridda is a Fischschmorbraten, served in a bowl with toasted bread. It is with a mixture of small fish such as scorpion fish, seafood and shellfish prepared. Buridda is a court handed down in Liguria. In the last time it was prepared as a stew and was "Caravana" (The port workers) are often eaten and tastes really good. Recipe variations range from dried fish, which was used in the past as wage workers, and cuttlefish Buridda. Portovenere (SP) pulls out the eel with the strong taste.
Recommended wine: DOC Ormeasco Sciac-tra (pink), Champagne rosé or a DOC Rossese Riviera Ligure di Ponente (Ligurian west coast).

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario


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