Friday, February 25, 2011

Motiondetector Bc8950

Cobeletti: hat-shaped pastries - Liguria by Ligucibario tastes good! Cima alla genovese

Cobeletti are small, short, hat-shaped "(origin of the name) in pastry pastry, with jam, usually Apricot jam filled. In the West preferred to Pomeranzekonfitüre Liguria. Cobeletti is a tempting dessert, which confirms the Genoese greedy for dessert. Quickly knead the filling does not operate to exaggerate the "muffin" in the oven, and finally enjoy these delicacies.
Recommended wine: DOC Cinque Terre (five villages) Sciacchetrà (raisin), but DOC Pornassio passito connects better with Rotfrüchtefüllung Cobeletti (prepared on 5 February, Agathetag).

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario


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