Thursday, February 24, 2011

Monica Rocaforte Foto

: stuffed breast of veal. Liguria tastes good by Ligucibario!

It's really complicated to prepare "Stuffed breast of veal. This dish is similar to the French court "poitrine de veau farcie. The filling is a cornucopia of meat, offal, vegetables, egg, Parmigiano Reggiano and a final touch of genius: hard-boiled and chopped pistachios. Cima and is sewn to avoid explosion punctured. It is rolled up in a cloth and boiled for several hours. During the cooling, it remains under a weight (eg marble mortar). Cut into disc is "Cima alla genovese" the perfect enjoyment of the connoisseur. In the past it was eaten at Easter. There are dozens of variations to Cima prepare: for example in PrelĂ  (IM) contains the filling artichokes; in Montalto Ligure (IM) is boiled instead of veal kids and in Lunigiana the vegetables dominates over the meat, as Erinerung the hard times the past .
Recommended wine: Red wine, DOC Riviera Ligure di Ponente Rossese

Clelia Frignani by Ligucibario


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