few "vocabularies" reflect the ethno-gastronomic approach as the Alphabet of Taste on this http://www.ligucibario.com/ . The Alphabet is, as demonstrated by the numerous visits of cyber enthusiasts, the most extensive vocabulary of typical Ligurian food & wine, from anchovy to zimino ... Each of them is almost always enriched by information historical, curious news, anecdotes ... The 40 most important terms (buridda, cappon lean) already have the English translation, from the homepage by clicking on the "traditional products". Now, thanks to the collaboration of Dr. Clelia Frignani, those 40 will gradually be uploaded online in German translation , to meet the needs of a target, just the German-speaking countries, traditionally in love with Italy in culture and landscape but also (and increasingly) of its food and wine!
Ligucibario - ein Tribut an die "Etnogastronomie"
Ligucibario ist ein neuer Atlas der Etnogastronomie-Database "Made in Liguria."
Hit the "Alfabeto del Gusto" (The Gourmet alphabet) to, from "acciughe" (anchovies) to "zimino" (the chickpea soup), with more than 1000 words that the variety and the wealth- of the "terroir" of Liguria show. This
from A to Z encyclopedia is devoted to the food, the wine and the oil from Liguria, which is the real birthplace of the Mediterranean diet.
you can see by this alphabet the history of Ligurian cuisine and wine tasting. A real universe, in which different cultures meet, country traditions, folklore and recipes and combine.
Ligucibario feiert das Zusammentreffen und die „Gastrosophie“ (Philosophie der Gastronomie).
Das Angebot der Traditionsgerichte und der originellen Zutaten ist eine tägliche Herausforderung um das gastronomische Erbe der Region nicht zu verlieren und zu vergessen. Unsere Arbeit stützt sich auf Leidenschaft und Einsatz.
Folgen Sie uns auf der Entdeckung nach Qualitätshandwerken, auserlesenen Lokalen, typischen Produkten, Ereignissen,Wein und Verköstigungen, Nachrichtungen, Unterkünfte, die von Kenner empfohlen werden. Bücher und Filme zum Thema sollte man nicht ausseracht lassen.
Oeffnen Sie diesen Link (open lab) und planen Sie sich Ihre persönliche Route: z.B. als Liebhaber, Beruftätiger, Journalist, Teachers, etc.
Ligucibario also shows a certain way of thinking and living. Regardless
nature: the good reviews are not for sale, you must conquer it.
discipline: it is against our policy to bring the Ligurian terroir, respect and honesty.
creativity: Internet gives us a new language and philosophy in order to celebrate the ancient rituals and traditions.
Every day you will find in this blog 39 items that relate to the main vocabulary of the alphabet. The full version is in: there http://www.ligucibario.com/ .
Umberto Curti, Presidente Tues AIE e ideatore Tues Ligucibario
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